Meat & Bean Stew

Sheep Meat: 500gr
White been, potato, and dry mint: 100gr of each
Average onion: 2
Extract of White Mulberry: half of a measure
Turmeric: 1 Soup Spoon
Pepper: A tea Spoon
Salt: As needed

Preparation Method:
First chop the meat into big pieces and wash it to be clean. You have soaked the white bean since the last night. Put the white bean, meat, onion, potato, turmeric, salt, and pepper to get cooked. When the stew is boiled, turn down fire until it is mild and get it well-cooked. Due to cold nature of white bean, put the potato from the beginning in the stew to become mushy. If desired, beside this meal you can have mulberry extract. To embellish the stew use onion and mint.